Up About Me Amateur Radio APRS - Ontario IRLP VA3PMO IRLP Changes FREE STAR* 2012_Contest dextra XRF004 XRF005 XRF018 XRF020 XRF021 XRF038 XRF044 XRF069 XRF073 XRF905 ISO-Images Vulnerability


Connecting to XRF Reflectors


ICOM G2 systems


ICOM G2 systems need to install the optional dextra_srv software package.  Please contact us at dextra <at> va3uv . com.  We can either provide you with the software or install it for you.


DV Dongle PC Clients

DV Dongle users are encouraged to use the DVTool software from Robin Cutshaw.


DVAP Users

DVAP users have a choice:

Either the the WinDV software available from the Dutch Star site:

Refer to this installation guide provided by Max, VE6MAD for installation instructions.

OR - the DVAPTool Software from Robin Cutshaw


NOTE:  users of the DVTool and DVAP software from Robin Cutshaw, who are interested in using one piece of software for both dplus and FREE STAR* systems, can choose to make the following change to the Windows host file to redirect the request for destination hosts to our FREE STAR* callsign server. 

January 2012 - Update:  The callsign server redirection does NOT work with DVTool 2.0-beta-5.  If you are interested in using ONE application for all systems, please stick with DVTool 2.0-beta-4. 

The Windows hosts file can be found here:

Windows 95/98/Me c:\windows\hosts

Windows NT/2000/XP Pro  c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Windows XP Home and Windows 10 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

The following entries need to be added to the hosts file; we recommend using WORDPAD.

#FREE STAR* callsign server redirect


Windows 7 users may find this article helpful:


Hotspot Clients

Hotspot clients can either use the FREE STAR* software (e.g., on a Raspberry Pi attached to a local DVAP, etc.), WinDV software (available from the Dutch Star website) both solutions provide access to REF reflectors, ICOM G2 systems, and XRF reflectors or, Windows users may choose to use the DVAR software.

The DVAR software, by default, does not provide the option to connect to XRF reflectors.

DVAR users can either manually enter the callsign and IP (or hostname) into the Windows GUI or, in most cases where the remote IP / hostname is not known, the DVAR client can be configured to access the FREE STAR* callsign server to obtain a merged listing of all XRF reflectors, ICOM G2 systems, FREE STAR* systems and ircDDB gateways.

To add the FREE STAR* callsign server to the list of servers accessible by DVAR, users will need to edit the "CallsignServers.txt" file in the DVAR Hot Spot folder and include this line:



The CANNet is an informal D-Star Net that takes place on XRF103B every Friday evening.  Net start time is 21:00h EST (01:00 UTC on Saturday morning).   If you are an existing participant in this Net, or interested in participating in the future, please be sure to try one of the solutions above to ensure connectivity.  Please contact us with any questions or requests for technical assistance.